Wednesday, 6 May 2015

(Almost) End of Semester

This month is starting to feel like the beginning of the end in terms of the entire Dance Science course. The full timers have now finished formal lectures for the dance specific modules. Just one more statistics lecture left to go! It was good to get some words of encouragement from an ex student when Diana come in and lead a dance specific strength and conditioning workshop with us. It was also great timing to get up and moving to sweat out some pre-exam nerves. 

I think all us dance scientists at Bedfordshire are feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I spent yesterday morning doing some data analysis in the biomechanics labs. This was then followed by a tutorial for the next upcoming statistics assignment. Then, when I finally got home, I had to finish checking over my literature review for the talent module (which is due today). May is shaping up to be a very busy month but when its over...its just our dissertations left to focus on. 

Here is a list of some upcoming deadlines and events that I have in my diary for the next month:

-  13th May: Last statistics lecture. 
-  14th May: RIMAP postgraduate conference UoB. 
-  19th May: Biomechanics journal article due. 
-  21st May: Dissertation tutorial. 
-  21st May: Postgraduate open day UoB.
-  22nd May: Statistics ANOVA assignment due. 
-  25th May: BANK HOLIDAY (definitely important to mention). 
-  28th May: Inter-professional working project essay due. 
-  9th June: First dissertation workshop. 
-  12th June: Dance Science Careers Day at Laban.

As you can see, it's a fairly busy month so here is a picture of my white board above my desk. This small motivational message will be needed to see me through the next month!

On a more positive note... For any prospective dance science students who are thinking of coming to study at Bedfordshire, after every module the current students fill out feedback forms and here are some of the outcomes. 

Biomechanics: Overall level of satisfaction 100%
Strength and Conditioning: Overall level of satisfaction 100%
Dance Psychology: Overall level of satisfaction 100%

So yes, I may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by the workload at the moment but then seeing the overall feedback for the modules reminds me that I actually enjoy everything that the course throws at me (even statistics). 

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